Stalk Maddi should you I am very weird is all you should know. So you will fail. And that is all I know. zombehluver published on September 25, 2011 Stacked 1/11 What country do I live in? Canada Europe America Argentina 2/11 What is my favorite soda? Coke Dr.Pepper Rootbeer Sprite Pepsi 3/11 What language gives me a headache? Spanish English French finnish Russian 4/11 What is my favorite subject? history biolagy Chior NONE DAMMIT Math 5/11 What was the first word I said ever? fuck animal mississippi crabs cat 6/11 Who is my favorite Pony? Fluttershy Pinkiepie Rarity Twilightsparkle Applejack Rainbowdash 7/11 What was my first pet's name? Type answer. Hint: 5 characters 8/11 Who is my penis? Type answer. Hint: 4 characters 9/11 What are my favorite foods? Hint: 3 choices pizza ribs salade subs french fries 10/11 QUICK SHOOT ME IN THE FACE! -shoots you- rejects and walks away -stares at my pussy CAT- 11/11 What is my favorite animal red panda cat i have none