how good do you know my little pony It is just a scored quiz about the characters and episodes right it will be ace luciakaniowska published on March 02, 2014 Stacked 1/10 How many princesses are they re 5 4 1 2/10 What is apple jacks sister called Big mac Applebloom Granny smith 3/10 What is twilights brother called Shining armour Flash sentry Spike 4/10 Did twilight come back from the humon world Yes No She was killed 5/10 Where does cadance live Type answer. Hint: 14 characters 6/10 Where does shining armour live Canterlot Pony ville Crystle empire 7/10 Where does twilight live Type answer. Hint: 7 characters 8/10 Is twilight purple Yes No Rainbow 9/10 Can rainbow dash do a double rainbow Yes Soso No 10/10 How many friends are their 6 5 1