Programming and computer systems Welcome to Mr. Fun's mind-blowing quiz, grab some crystal, sit back and get ready to be drenched in some fat stacks. slingcrystalmakinfatstacks published on February 26, 2014 Stacked 1/10 (AND gate) If the two inputs are 1 what will the output be? 1 or 0? Hint: 2 choices one 1 0 2/10 3.01110100 +11100110 Hint: 2 choices =*11/010/101/011 =01/010/110/10 =11/010/101/011 3/10 4.10010011 +11101110 01/100/000/01 011/001/010/110 00/011/101/011 4/10 What is WAN? Wan is a wide area network. A wide area network is a network over a large geographical location Wide areola network 5/10 1. 1101001 +00101110 Hint: 2 choices =1101110 =01/111/111 =1000101 6/10 What is a standalone computer? A computer not connected to any network. A computer not connected to anything. A lonely computer that is contemplating suicide. 7/10 2. 00111010 +01100001 =010011011 =010100100 =010101000 8/10 (OR gate) If both inputs are 0 what will the output be? 1 or 0? Hint: 2 choices 1 zero 0 9/10 What does LAN stand for? Hint: 2 choices LAN stands for Local Area Network. LAN stands for Liam And Nigel Local Area Network 10/10 (Not gate) If the input is 0 what will the output be? 1 or 0? Hint: 2 choices 0 one 1