How much do you know about the Leopard ( Panthera Pardus ) In this I will test your knowledge and this beautiful big cat! If you don't get 80% or higher, try again! threebeltking published on February 22, 2014 Stacked 1/7 How many types of leopards are there 14 12 300 86 30 subspecies 1 7 56 13 soo unlucky! 2/7 What is the leopards top predator? Baboons Lions Other leopards It is the top predator None of the above The assassin bug The species that made this quiz 3/7 Where is the leopards habitat? Hint: 3 choices Jungles Dense bushes with a rocky surrounding Ravine forests Deep in caves Parma frosted area Mountains Valleys 4/7 Out of all of the big cats only the Lion, Tiger, Jaguar and leopard can... Type answer. Hint: 4 characters 5/7 What are their spots called? SPOTS DUH!!! Rosettas Rosettes Blossoms DOTS!!! Me- WOW, calm down dude OOH Computer screen so SHINY!!!! *o* I have NO idea 6/7 What couleur is the leopards eyes? Green Blue Yellow Brown Gray None of the above All of the above 7/7 At what age does a baby leopard start eating meat? 6-7 weeks 5-6 days 9-12 days 1 month 3-4 weeks 1 year Different for different types