United States Quiz 1 I love the states & have built up lots of knowledge about it,but how well do YOU know it? Have a go for fun! :) heirofslytherin published on February 13, 2014 Stacked 1/16 How many main rivers run through Alaska? 1 2 3 2/16 Which state did Thomas Edison (inventor of the lightbulb) live in? mississippi indiana new jersey 3/16 What is the motto of Texas? Eureka Friendship By valour & arms 4/16 In which state is Chimney Rock? colorado nevada nebraska 5/16 Which state was named as the 29th state? texas iowa connecticut 6/16 What is the capital of New Mexico? Austin Santa Fe Baton Rouge 7/16 Which state has the smallest population? wyoming idaho north dakota 8/16 What is the state flower of Louisiana? magnolia mayflower violet 9/16 Which state has a approximately 70% mormon population? new hampshire utah georgia 10/16 Which state has the capital of Pheonix? oklahoma arizona arkansas 11/16 What is the state of Indianas nickname? hoosier state golden state gopher state 12/16 Which state produces the most milk & cheese? wisconsin montana oregon 13/16 Which is the smallest state? vermont west virginia rhode island 14/16 In which state was the U.S national anthem written? maryland tennessee california 15/16 What % of U.S oranges are from Florida? 50% 25% 75% 16/16 Which President studied law in Illinois? george washington abraham lincoln barack obama