MLP How Well Do You Know Applejack? Take this quiz to see if you really know Applejack. This is going to be easy. :) Xx_Pinkie_Pie_xX published on February 21, 2014 Stacked 1/9 How many other ponies live with Applejack? She lives by herself 1 2 3 2/9 Where does Applejack live? Type answer. Hint: 17 characters 3/9 Who is Applejack's brother? Shining Armor Big Macintosh Babs Seed 4/9 Who is Applejack's sister? Appleseed Applepie Applebloom 5/9 What is Applejack's element of harmony? Laughter Kindness Honesty Generosity Loyalty Magic 6/9 Who's cutie mark did Applejack have in Magical Mystery Cure? Pinkie's Fluttershy's Rainbow's Rarity's Twilight's 7/9 What does Applejack always wear? She doesn't always wear something A cowboy hat Cowboy boots 8/9 What kind of pet does Applejack have? Alligator Owl Dog Cat Turtle Bunny 9/9 What is Applejack's pet's name? Gummy Owlicious Tank Opal Winona Angel