Modern Greek articles phrases

Modern Greek articles phrases

Sentences in modern greek using the definite articles. A definite article is among others applied to refer to a specific person of whom the speaker knows that his discussion partner is an acquaintance of that person

published on January 27, 2014

Ήρθαν τα παιδιά του γείτονα.

Manolis is my friend.
De kinderen van de buurman kwamen
He sells the finest quality.
I gave him the most important information
Helens' husband came
The woman, we saw yesterday, left.
The girl, I met last week, came to visit
Be sure to close the gate in the garden.

Kοίτα να κλείσεις την πύλη στον κήπο.

The woman, we saw yesterday, left.
De kinderen van de buurman kwamen.
I gave him the most important information
He sells the finest quality.
Be sure to close the gate in the garden.
Helens' husband came
The girl, I met last week, came to visit.
Manolis is my friend.

Πουλάει την καλύτερη ποιότητα.

Be sure to close the gate in the garden.
The girl, I met last week, came to visit
The woman, we saw yesterday, left.
Helens' husband came
I gave him the most important information
He sells the finest quality.
De kinderen van de buurman kwamen
Manolis is my friend.

Έφυγε η γηναίκα, που είδαμε χθες.

I gave him the most important information
De kinderen van de buurman kwamen.
Be sure to close the gate in the garden.
The woman, we saw yesterday, left.
The girl, I met last week, came to visit.
Manolis is my friend.
Helens' husband came
He sells the finest quality.

Ο Μανόλης είναι ο φίλος μου.

The neighbors' children came.
Helens' husband came
Manolis is my friend.
He sells the finest quality.
I gave him the most important information
The woman, we saw yesterday, left.
The girl, I met last week, came to visit
Be sure to close the gate in the garden.

Του έδωσα τις πιο σημαντικές πληροφορίες.

He sells the finest quality.
Manolis is my friend.
Helens' husband came
De kinderen van de buurman kwamen.
I gave him the most important information
Be sure to close the gate in the garden.
The woman, we saw yesterday, left.
The girl, I met last week, came to visit.

Ήρθε ο άνδρας της Ελένης.

The woman, we saw yesterday, left.
I gave him the most important information
He sells the finest quality.
Helens' husband came
Manolis is my friend.
De kinderen van de buurman kwamen.
The girl, I met last week, came to visit.
Be sure to close the gate in the garden.

Επισκέφτηκε η κοπέλα, που συνάντησα περασμένη εβδομάδα.

He sells the finest quality.
Helens' husband came
Manolis is my friend.
The girl, I met last week, came to visit.
The woman, we saw yesterday, left.
Be sure to close the gate in the garden.
De kinderen van de buurman kwamen.
I gave him the most important information