Leads Of Alt. Rock Bands The front men of different Alt. Rock, Screamo, and Metal different bands kaylagirl published on January 26, 2014 Stacked 1/15 Who is the front man of "Asking Alexandria"? Vic Fuentes Danny Worsnop Jonathan Davis 2/15 Who is the front man of "Motionless In White"? Chris Fronzak Chris Motionless Austin Carlile 3/15 Who is the front man of "Fall Out Boy"? Patrick Stump Mitch Lucker Chris Motionless 4/15 Who is the front man of "Korn"? Matty Mullins Ronnie Radke Jonathan Davis 5/15 Who is the front man of "Attila"? Jonathan Davis Chris Fronzak Austin Carlile 6/15 Who is the front man of "Pierce The Veil"? Ronnie Radke Jonathan Davis Vic Fuentes 7/15 Who is the front man of "Falling In Reverse"? Ronnie Radke Jake Luhrs Kellin Quinn 8/15 Who was the front man of "Suicide Silence"? Jake Luhrs Danny Worsnop Mitch Lucker 9/15 Who is the front man of "Black Veil Brides" Kellin Quinn Patrick Stump Andy Biersack 10/15 Who is the front man of "Sleeping With Sirens"? Andy Biersack Kellin Quinn Oliver Sykes 11/15 Who is the front man of "Bring Me The Horizon"? Oliver Sykes Chris Motionless Jake Luhrs 12/15 Who is the front man of "Our Last Night"? Matty Mullins Trevor Wentworth Patrick Stump 13/15 Who is the front man of "Memphis May Fire"? Matty Mullins Vic Fuentes Mitch Lucker 14/15 Who is the front man of "Of Mice & Men"? Trevor Wentworth Oliver Sykes Austin Carlile 15/15 Who is the front man of "August Burns Red" Trevor Wentworth Oliver Sykes Jake Luhrs