what do you know about horses? (1) I will give you 15 questions, try to answer all of them correctly! this is very hard! you can get 5 out of 7 right! NO CHEATING! good luck loranda published on January 24, 2014 Stacked 1/7 what are dapples? Hint: 2 choices round colored markings noises from a horses stomach a coloring for horses 2/7 which is NOT a breed of American saddle horse? Tennessee walker Morgan quarter horse Kentucky sprinter 3/7 Do western pleasure show bridles have a nose band? yes no none of these 4/7 the horses single toe on each of its four feet is its most marked anatomical characteristic and makes it a perissodiactyl or odd-toed ungulate. the horse shares this trait with which other animal? a rhino tapir elephant rhino and tapir 5/7 what is a gag bit? Type answer. Hint: 24 characters 6/7 which is NOT a form of horse racing? flat racing steeple chasing harness racing hop-scotching 7/7 what is the fear of horses? Hippophobia Riddophobia Sadlophobia Equiphobia