Why Am I Still Using This Website? idk what the heck is happening I'm just doing random stuff with my friends, god save us all. glitchy44 published on June 09, 2021 Stacked 1/20 What is my sus percent 1% 8% 11% 23% 69% 100.1% 2/20 Enter: 01010101100101010100101011101010, I'm watching you, you have one chance. Type answer 3/20 There is one animal crossing character that has given me a shameful search history. Who is it? Katt Raymond Ankha Pierre 4/20 There is an animatronic that has done the same thing, who? Toy Chica Mangle Funtime Foxy Freddy Circus Baby Circus Mom Circus Dad 5/20 What's my middle name. Type answer. Hint: 4 characters 6/20 What letters were on my last report card? Hint: 2 choices A B C D F 7/20 The music box in FNAF 2 gives people anxiety, what is my username in Origin? Glitchy44 Thyme_Warp4 ToyChicaThiccAF ChaoticMeowstic 8/20 I just heard weird static in the kitchen, what did that mean? Broken TV You're Drunk FNAF 2 special cutscene I said certified freak, seven days a week 9/20 What song can I not stand? Never Gonna Give You Up Airplanes What Does The Fox Say? WAP 10/20 You can't look back up, how many y's have appeared in the questions so far? 0 2 6 8 10 12.3 11/20 Exactly how many hours do I have on TBOI? 117.3 68.9 666 2 minutes 12/20 So, I hate bad grammar with a burning passion, fill in the write 'There' for this sentence:So, we're going to --- house? Type answer 13/20 If I were to insult you, what wouldn't I call you? Idiot Dense Cabbage Nimrod Pierre Sass. 14/20 How many times was I texted while making this? 0 1 2 3 4 5 6+ 15/20 What animal has the longest gestation period? Elephant Mouse Hippo Rabbit 16/20 How many times has Jessie waltzed in? 1 2 3 4 5 17/20 What was shawty like? Low A Melody A Train Helium 18/20 If Helium makes your voice high, what makes your voice low? A lack of helium. Puberty. Hydrogen. Sulfur Hexafluoride. Dihydrogen Monoxide. 19/20 What is my favorite number? 5 13 69 420 1 20/20 Exactly how many times did Doug flash Foxy on Night 6 the first time he saw him? 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18