would you love me? its for fun I've seen it before so I'm just trying it out. good look. if you pass send me a email [email protected] rshw1005 published on May 13, 2018 Stacked 1/5 if i had a hot friend would you go out with her NNNNNNNNNOOOOOOO maybe OF COURSE i dont know 2/5 How do i look (girl in middle) Hint: 2 choices UUUUUGGGGGLY WONDERFULL MAYBE 3/5 ARE MY sisters cute (above, opisite sides) Hint: 2 choices meh AAAHHHHHHHWWWWWW better than you i dont knoww 4/5 what type of guy are you Nice,kind Mean,Grabby Ask my friends 5/5 Would youu Email me yep, if i pass NNNNNOOOOOOO im not going to pass i dont know