Mrs. Walker Sign of the beaver. This quiz is an example of the activity and behavior of the behavior mstamps1 published on September 22, 2016 Stacked 1/10 Define whittled uncut wood poorly designed wood cut and shape wood 2/10 Define intensity lack of attention to detail with concentrated attention little attention to facts 3/10 Define Sinew Flesh Tendon meat 4/10 Define Salvage throw away or discard save or keep destroy instantly 5/10 Define chagrined to cause a feeling of unease, embarrased feeling of ease, not embarrassed feeling of sadness 6/10 Define Flint Stinky situation hard rock used with steel to produce a spark soft item for welding 7/10 Define detest really like a person a food you really hate dislike a person 8/10 Define finicky easy to please not caring picky, hard to please 9/10 Define spliced joined at the ends joined in the middle joined at both ends 10/10 Define Mangy Filthy, shabby very clean and tidy A dog with fleas