Eco-Friendly Driving Quiz (1)

Eco-Friendly Driving Quiz (1)

Test your knowledge about eco-friendly driving techniques and take a step towards a greener future.

published on January 03, 2024

What is a common technique for eco-friendly driving?

What is a common technique for eco-friendly driving?
Idling for long periods
Accelerating quickly
Driving smoothly and steadily
Using the air conditioning always

Which type of vehicle is considered more eco-friendly?

Which type of vehicle is considered more eco-friendly?
Large SUV
Hybrid car
Diesel truck
Sports car

Which of the following can help reduce fuel consumption?

Which of the following can help reduce fuel consumption?
Revving the engine unnecessarily
Keeping the windows open at high speeds
Not maintaining the vehicle regularly

What is the recommended speed limit for optimal fuel efficiency on highways?

What is the recommended speed limit for optimal fuel efficiency on highways?
70 mph
50 mph
90 mph
100 mph

Which of the following can help reduce carbon emissions while driving?

Which of the following can help reduce carbon emissions while driving?
Using a GPS navigation system
Installing a roof rack on the vehicle
Avoiding unnecessary engine idling
Using winter tires year-round

What can you do to reduce air pollution caused by driving?

What can you do to reduce air pollution caused by driving?
Driving aggressively
Having regular vehicle maintenance
Leaving the engine running while parked
Using leaded gasoline

What is the benefit of carpooling or ridesharing?

What is the benefit of carpooling or ridesharing?
Increased fuel consumption
Less traffic congestion
Higher vehicle emissions
Reduced travel time

How does regular vehicle maintenance contribute to eco-friendly driving?

How does regular vehicle maintenance contribute to eco-friendly driving?
It increases fuel efficiency
It generates more air pollution
It reduces tire lifespan
It enhances engine noise

What is the impact of car idling on the environment?

What is the impact of car idling on the environment?
No impact at all
Increased emissions of greenhouse gases
Improved air quality
Reduced fuel consumption

Which of the following can help reduce the need for driving?

Which of the following can help reduce the need for driving?
Using public transportation
Buying a larger vehicle
Driving alone for short distances
Choosing a car with poor fuel efficiency