Lorien Trust Rules Quiz - 2 Another LT Rules based Quiz to add on to the previous quiz. Enjoy! Pass Mark is 100% deathcandy published on January 13, 2014 Stacked 1/9 What does Decay do? Hint: 4 choices Puts you in your Grace Period Puts you under a Wasting Effect Reduces Your Hits to 0 Stops Regeneration Your wounds cannot be healed unless the Decay is removed 2/9 What are the damage types that put you at -1 location regardless of the Ritual of Peace? Hint: 3 choices Harm Fatal Magebolt Blast Crush 3/9 What does Purge Poison do? Removes magic Poison effects. Removes Blade Venoms and Weapon Oil effects. Removes ingestive or vapour poison effects. Removes all Poison effects. 4/9 What benefits does the Head of a Wedge gain? +1 Hit +5 Spellcards Immunity To Melee Damage Immunity to Mind Effects 5/9 What does the caster have to do in order to maintain the spell 'Enthrall'? Repeat the spell vocals for up to ten minutes. Talk in gibberish for the duration. Speak in meaningful sentences to the target for up to ten minutes. 6/9 What is the only Mind Effect that cannot be removed with the skill Free Mind? Enthrall Befriend Beguile Distract Confuse 7/9 Name two effects that cannot be discerned. Hint: 2 choices Decay Disease Paralysis Petrify 8/9 How long do Mute, Freeze and Paralysis last? 10 seconds 30 seconds 1 minute 9/9 What does Remove Fear do? Stops the target running away. Removes the Fear effect from a target. Removes the Fear effect from a target, and makes them immune to Fear for ten seconds. Removes the Fear effect from a target and makes them immune to Fear for ten seconds and if cast on someone who is not presently feared, also gives them an im...