My Little Pony Quiz! Are you a true brony or pegasister? Do you think you have what it takes to be a true fan? Well this is your test! pegasisters published on January 11, 2014 Stacked 1/10 What is Pinkie Pie's full name? Pinkie P. Pie Pinkamena Diane Pie Pinker Party Pie 2/10 What kind of pony was Cadence before she was an alicorn? Earth Pony Pegasus Unicorn She was born an alicorn 3/10 What are the diamond dogs' names? Fido, Spot, Rover Diamond, Gem, Precious Buster, Max, Harold Ruby, Opal, Sappire 4/10 Who is this pony? Timey-Wimy Dr.Hooves Hour glass Dr.Whooves 5/10 What is Trixie's full name? The Great and Powerful Trixie Trixie Lulamoon Trixie Lunamoon Trixie Magichorn 6/10 What is Fluttershy's power pony name? Saddle Rager Zap Rage Roar Mistress Mare-velous 7/10 What was Celestia's mane color when she was young? Pink Blue Green Multi-Color 8/10 Who's the leader of the Wonder Bolts? High Winds Fleetfoot Sorian Blaze Fire Streak Misty Fly Spit Fire Lightning Streak Rapid Fire Silver Lining Surprise Wave Chill 9/10 Who voiced derpy in the episode The Last Roundup? Tara Strong Tabitha St. Germain Andrea Libman Ashleigh Ball 10/10 What image appears in the hour glass in season 1 episode one at the beginning? Princess Celestia banishing Nightmare Moon Nightmare Moon Princess Luna The Elements of Harmony