Dog Quiz (1) How well do you think you know dogs? Take this quiz to find out what you know about man's best friend. dezzylarson published on January 09, 2014 Stacked 1/10 What is the smallest breed of dog? Yorkshire Terrier Miniature Poodle Chihuahua Shih Tzu 2/10 Which is the Taco Bell dog? Cocker Spaniel Chihuahua Chinese rat-dog Golden Retriever 3/10 Which of the following is the most acute sense for dogs? Smell Sight Hearing Taste 4/10 What is the most popular dog in the United States? Beagle Poodle Labrador Retriever German Shepard dog 5/10 Which of the following canines did dogs descend from? Jackals Hyenas Coyotes Wolves 6/10 Which of the following dogs yodel instead of bark? Keeshond Newfoundland Vizsla Basenji 7/10 Which of the following dogs was owned by Helen Keller American Pit Bull Terriers Yorkshire Terriers Chinese Shar Peis Fox Terriers 8/10 What kind of dog was Toto from The Wizard of Oz? Lhaso Apso Cairn Terrier Yorkshire Terrier Pomeranian 9/10 Where did the pug originate from? Germany China France Poland 10/10 What is the tallest breed of dog? Irish wolfhound Afghan hound Great Dane Saluki