How Well Do You Know the Twilight Movies? This is a quiz where I pulled questions from other quizzes, some are my questions and some are not. So this is a long quiz you are gonna take. Quinn604 published on January 04, 2014 Stacked 1/11 Who is the author of all the books? Stephanie Meyer Stephenie Meyar Stephanie Mayer Stephenie Meyer 2/11 Why did Bella want to move to Forks, Washington? Bella wanted to find love. Bella wanted to move away from her mother, so her mom and Phil could be happy together on a long trip. Bella hated Arizona. Bella's mom forced her to live with her dad. Bella missed her dad, and didn't want to spend anymore time with her mom. 3/11 Who was the fourth person to become a vampire? Rosalie Edward Emmet Alice Jasper 4/11 How did Bella save Edward in "New Moon"? She killed herself so Edward wouldn't have to think of her anymore. She went to Italy to stop Edward from exposing himself, to get killed by the Volturi. They died together like Romeo and Juliet. She stopped having feelings for him. Bella killed Edward herself. 5/11 What is Bella's (real) father's name? Type answer. Hint: 7 characters 6/11 Who jumped off a cliff before they became a vampire? Esme Emmet Rosalie Carlisle 7/11 Since Jacob was always warm, what did Bella refer him to? Heater Sun Hawaii Earth's core 8/11 Who found Bella in the forest after Edward left her there Victoria Jacob Sam Alice 9/11 What is the name of the ballet studio, where Bella's mom was "kidnapped"? Mimi's Hope's James's 10/11 Which movie did Bella become a vampire? "Twilight" "New Moon" "Eclipse" "Breaking Dawn" part 1 "Breaking Dawn" part 2 Bella became a vampire? 11/11 In the first movie, "Twilight" who said "I'll just drag you back"? Edward James Victoria Rosalie Alice Jasper Carlisle