Do you know me? (16) A quiz about me and my life (just for entertainment and to get a better perspective of me) lonelyfriend published on January 02, 2014 Stacked 1/13 Which do you do you prefer cats or dogs? Cats Dogs Fish 2/13 What color are your eyes? Hazel Blue Green Marble stormy 3/13 w+8= ? wait 8 fish 4/13 Which is your favorite color? Blue Orange Red Purple Yellow Grey 5/13 which do you prefer? Old teddy bear watch Wii Camera 6/13 Where would you go for free time? Mall Park Beach Home Gym 7/13 Which food do you like the most sushi Pizza burgers Soup macaroni Chicken/chicken nuggets 8/13 What are you feeling most of the time Happy Confused Lonely Angry Sad Hateful 9/13 What is your hair style Long straight Long curly wavy short curly bob medium with jagged edges 10/13 How are you doing today? Stanger danger! Hey! ... I'm doing fine, you? Great. 11/13 Makeup or no makeup No makeup! Makeup! 12/13 What are you going to do after this? Sleep Do more quizzes Play music Read Eat Write Die in a hole Meet a friend 13/13 Which nursery rhyme is creepiest? Marry had a little lamb Twinkle little star Ring-around-the-roses London bridges