how well do you know TMNT?? test your tmnt knowledge with what you know, and what you think you know!! It will contain info from all tmnt's created!! quizprincess published on January 02, 2014 Stacked 1/12 Which of the 2012 turtle voice actors was inspired by the series as a child?? Jason Biggs Rob Paulsen Greg Cipes Sean Astin 2/12 Who is the one that constantly grabs Donatello's face in the 2012 series?? Casey Jones Traag Leatherhead 3/12 Who voices the 2012 Shredder?? James Avery Kevin Michael Richardson Kevin Eastman 4/12 Which is the only turtle who does not die in the SAINW world?? Donatello Raphael Leonardo Michelangelo 5/12 In the 2003 series, who was Raphael's best pal?? April O'Neil Hun Casey Jones 6/12 Which of the 2012 turtles has not said the phrase "booyakasha" so far?? Michelangelo Raphael Leonardo 7/12 Which tmnt character was the most intelligent in all the series created?? Splinter Casey Jones Donatello 8/12 In the 2003 series, who was the Battle Nexus Champion?? Daimio's son Michelangelo Usagi 9/12 Which of the turtles has a bad temper?? Raphael Leonardo Donatello Michelangelo 10/12 Which turtle does Sean Astin voice?? Donatello Raphael Slash 11/12 In the 2003 series, who was Leonardo's ally?? Usagi Casey Jones Angel 12/12 What kind of creature was the 2003 Shredder's true identity?? Utrom Dragon Octopus