Victoria2625 quiz Okay so I am Victoria's number 1 fan XD so if you follow her on Instagram (Victoria2625) you would know this stuff :) (P.S the photo I used is of her and one of her horses) IloveVictoria2625 published on December 31, 2013 Stacked 1/10 How long has Victoria been on Instagram? As long as the app has been up 1 year Less then a year 2/10 How old is she? 18+ 9 12-15 3/10 What horses are featured on her page? Reba, Jarred, D'Accord, and Harry Pumpkin, Dora, and Sam Lucy, Justin, and Cody 4/10 How many followers dose she have? 50-100 600+ 300-400 5/10 Who is her main inspiration? Lacey Jamieson Claire Davis All of the above and a few more 6/10 Dose she do gaming? No, shes an equestrian.... Yes, she loves it She dose it a little 7/10 Dose she do beauty? No! Shes an equestrian! Yes. As much as she can 8/10 What state dose she live in? North Carolina. Florida. She has not said. 9/10 What is her username on Minecraft? Victoria2625 just like her Instagram Horse_Lover _Victoria_ 10/10 What server can you find her on the most? (On Minecraft) Her own server. what ever the Ip is to it. Her friends.