Basic Skylanders Knowlege Quiz! Do you know the franchise Skylanders. Even with the slightest bit of knowledge you have a chance of completing this quiz. Advanced quiz also available! togera164v2 published on December 21, 2013 Stacked 1/6 What is the name of the skylander which is a mix of Doom Stone's bottom half and Hoot Loop's top half? Type answer. Hint: 10 characters 2/6 What are the second parts of all Skylanders games (Of December 2013)? Spyro's Adventure, Sidekicks, MorphForce Spyro's Adventure, Giants, Swapforce Spyro's Adventure, Sidekicks, Swappable- Unstoppable Spyro's Adventure, Giants, Topsy Turvy 3/6 What element is Spyro? Type answer. Hint: 5 characters 4/6 Which of the following Skylanders has a LightCore version? (As of December 2013) Hint: 4 choices Eruptor Zap Wham-Shell Shroomboom Ignitor Double Trouble Roller Brawl Smolderdash 5/6 Which of these Skylanders use a weapon? Hint: 2 choices Grilla Drilla Wash Buckler Spyro Grim Creeper Cynder Warnado Terrafin Eye Brawl 6/6 Which of these Skylanders comes in the Skylanders: Spyro's Adventure 3ds starter pack? Jet Vac Stump Smash Trigger Happy Ignitor