How well do you know Louis Tomlinson? (2) Do you like Louis? Yes? Do this quiz to see what you know about him :) Burgicon published on December 20, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Favourite subject in school? Type answer. Hint: 5 characters 2/5 IS HE CUTE? Yes. I DIE when I see a pic of him or summit. No. UGLAAAAYYY Maybe I don't like him anyway. 3/5 Favourite colour? Blue obvs Purple :D Dark red. ;) How should I know? I don't stalk him! Maybe I do.. 4/5 What was going to be is name? Louis William Tomlinson duhh! Louis Troy Austin Louis Martin Smith (lololol) I don't know his flipping name. 5/5 What does he like in girls? When they have a good sense of humor but are very loyaaall :) Carrots he said so! Looks. Eleanor has got it all! I DON'T KNOW :(