are you Charlie's friend? This quiz will conatain questions only Charlie's real friends would know. dolanc published on December 18, 2013 Stacked 1/7 Charlies idol? Savannah Lehr Melanie Iglesias Obama Hitler Ray Rice Ray Lewis 2/7 Favorite Movie? Bad Teacher The Call We're the Millers 3/7 What was Charlie's saddest moment of his life? I got grounded and wasn't aloud to have milk He cracked his phone Pepper left him Smallville series ended 4/7 What does Charlie like to do the best? Eat Food Drink Milk! Hangout with friends Watch TV Sleep Do stupid fun stuff Go to the beach Eat 4 Cheese Cheez Its 5/7 If Charlie were with you right now. What would you say to him? Type answer. Hint: 10 characters 6/7 I think that Charlie is? funny stupid/weird but in a good way i hate him and don't know why im taking this Kool a nice guy and good friend other 7/7 Charlie's favorite drinks are? Hint: 2 choices Milk Iced Tea Milkshake Smoothie Egg Nog