How much do you know about zayn malik See how much you know about this hottie from one direction take this quiz to find out. MCR_Ashley_Rose published on December 18, 2013 Stacked 1/9 What is his middle name jawaad james edward 2/9 What is his favorite color Hint: 2 choices Blue Green Purple Orange Red 3/9 What is zayn's favorite show Hint: 2 choices Family guy American dad Full house Akward Buffy the vampire slayer 4/9 Zayn's favorite food Hint: 2 choices Chicken Nandos Pizza Taco's Pasta 5/9 what color eyes does zayn malik have Brown Blue Hazel Green aqua 6/9 Zayn's favorite song Hint: 3 choices Thriller Best song ever Baby barbie girl Little things 7/9 Zayn's favorite movie Hint: 2 choices Freedom riders Forrest gump Scary movie 5 Scarface Walking dead 8/9 Zayn's perfect date Hint: 2 choices Romantic dinner Eating at a posh resaruant Walk in the park Cuddled up by the fire Watching scary movies 9/9 When is his b-day January 12, 1993 Febuary 15, 1996 November 18, 2013