How well do you know your apostrophes?

How well do you know your apostrophes?

Take this quiz to find out how well you know your apostrophes! When do you use them???? How do you use them???? Read the following sentences and decide whether the apostrophes in them are in the right place by selecting the box labelled either Yes or No. However, if you are unsure, there is also another box labelled Don't Know which you can also select. Good luck!

published on December 08, 2013

He'll be home in a minute.

Yes, the apostrophes in this sentence are right.
No, the apostrophes in this sentence are wrong.
Don't Know.

Sh'es really good at apostrophes but the'yre not.

Yes, the apostrophes in this sentence are right.
No, the apostrophes in this sentence are wrong.
Don't Know.

She is not sure if Julies' coming to the cinema.

Yes, the apostrophes in this sentence are right.
No, the apostrophes in this sentence are wrong.
Don't Know.

Get the dogs' leads out of the box please.
(several dogs)

Yes, the apostrophes in this sentence are right.
No, the apostrophes in this sentence are wrong.
Don't Know.

That is James's pencil.

Yes, the apostrophes in this sentence are right.
No, the apostrophes in this sentence are wrong.
Don't Know.

I don't think it is correct to put an apostrophe in that sentence.

Yes, the apostrophes in this sentence are right.
No, the apostrophes in this sentence are wrong.
Don't Know.

The squirrel's nuts were eaten by Bobs's greedy rabbits.
(several squirrels)

Yes, the apostrophes in this sentence are right.
No, the apostrophes in this sentence are wrong.
Don't Know.

The ladys glasses's were nowhere to be found.

Yes, the apostrophes in this sentence are right.
No, the apostrophes in this sentence are wrong.
Don't Know.

I'm sorry to say that it's time you went up to bed!

Yes, the apostrophes in this sentence are right.
No, the apostrophes in this sentence are wrong.
Don't Know.

The guinea pig's been fed the dog's food!

Yes, the apostrophes in this sentence are right.
No, the apostrophes in this sentence are wrong.
Don't Know.