So you think your a brony? This is a fan of pony test.Hope you Enjoy!PS Theese re easy questons.PPS you will pass, no matter what! vivianweaver published on December 08, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Who is the newest pony Princess? Cadence Luna Twilight Sparkle Apple Jack 2/5 Who are the mane six? Hint: 6 choices Applebloom Sweetie Belle Scootaloo Apple Jack Twilight Rainbow Dash Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Rarity 3/5 Who Stole Twilight's Crown? Sunset Shimmer Chrisylis Cadence 4/5 Who got put into the moon? Nightmare moon Spike the dragon Cadence 5/5 What Defeated Nightmare Moon? The Elements of Harmony The Harmony Tree Discord