Cryaotic quizz (annoyed popular girl voice) How well do YOU know Cryaotic? well let's find out if you're a noob or a total rockstar ! Xenaxena published on December 06, 2013 Stacked 1/12 How old is Cry? 23 22 24 15 2/12 Does Cry wear glasses? Yes No Idk fuk off prepz Meow 3/12 Who does Cry mostly do co-ops with? Hint: 3 choices Pewds Markiplier Seananners Ken Tobuscus Ru$$ Moneyzz Minx 4/12 What does Cry call his mom? Sweetheart Mother Babycakes 5/12 What drink does Cry hate? Lemonade Orange soda Coffee Chocolate milk Monster Energy Drink 6/12 How many people have won a shirt on the stream? 15 22 21 17 7/12 What bank does Cry hate? Bank Of America Chase Wells Fargo 8/12 Where does Cry live? St. Petersburg St. Pete San Diego 9/12 Last Saturday in Late Night With Cry And Russ on wind down, what did Cry do that made everyone in chat say aaawwe? Said meow Fell asleep Complimented the fans Said "I ship Snund dude" 10/12 Last stream, what did Cry and Snake think the answer was for "What is an occasion in which you feel let down after?" Christmas Halloween Thanksgiving Graduation Birthday 11/12 Who are the regulars on the stream? Hint: 5 choices Russ Jund Snake Minx RickyPJangles Cry Zeigs Red Zoots 12/12 What is Cry's stream called? Late Night With Cry and The Crew Late Night Wind down Late Night with Cry and Russ