Are you a Rebel???? This is the ultimate quiz to take if you are wondering if you need to complete the levels of rebel. It is required that you take this quiz to become a rebel in Mama's eyes! Rebel1234 published on December 05, 2013 Stacked 1/5 What do rebels eat? Fruits and vegetables meat Any thing they want to 2/5 Who is Mamma Kas? (we're not talking about the singer!) A singer A person who designed the rebel website A truly skilled rebel 3/5 How often do rebels fight? All the time NEVER Sometimes when necessary 4/5 How do rebels walk? They slouch, swing their arms, bend their knees, and use attitude They stand up straight with no attitude They don't walk, but make someone carry them 5/5 How do rebels say hello? "sup" "Hey yo rebel" "ya ya ya" -pat on other rebels back- and nod