The Impossable Quiz This is the Impossable Quiz! Can you beat me or will this quiz stay impossable? You might find things out youv'e never knew. Loved published on July 27, 2011 Stacked 1/7 Is M+M=26? Yes No 2/7 Can the avarage human lick his/her elbow? Type answer. Hint: 2 characters 3/7 How many flags are in the U.S.A? (every state, ect.) 50 49 51 4/7 What is the top watched kid's telivision channels? Disney Channel PBS Kids Nickeloden Fox 10 5/7 1234567890 is equal to, Type answer. Hint: 25 characters 6/7 What time did I write this question? 2:43 PM 8:53 PM 6:27 AM 7/7 If you use Snoopy as your avretisment dog for your personal buissness you will get fined, up to $50,000 up to $5,000 up to $1,000,000