dispicable me all about the minions and the villeins. How well do you know your yellow friends? Be prepared to be quizzed! LanaB published on November 26, 2013 Stacked 1/6 With who is Gru Goind to marry? Edith Lucy Margo Agnes 2/6 What color is Vectors signature color? purple orange blue 3/6 What is Gru's daughters names? Hint: 3 choices Lucy Margo Lana Edith Agnes Sally 4/6 What was Margo's boyfriends name? Eduardo Antonio Nefario 5/6 Who is Gru's 2 villans? Hint: 2 choices Dr.Nefario Eduardo Antonio Vector 6/6 How many girls does Gru have? Type answer. Hint: 5 characters