Do yhu know me?! Dis be about me. When chu finish gimme your honest grade or whatever it gives you. Mk? Mk. Whale LES GET STARTED, BROS(; P.S. HARRY'S HOT HUH? YEAH WELL TOO BAD HE'S LOUIS'! Mickey published on November 22, 2013 Stacked 1/11 What's my pet oranges' name? I DON'T FLIPPING KNOW I LIVE IN NEBRASKA!!! Gardener Lala lalal lalal.... la. 2/11 What's my favorite color? Purple Red Green 3/11 Favorite Band of all time?!?! Little mix The Wanted One Direction 4/11 Favorite superhero? Superman Batman Flash? 5/11 Are you gonna make one for me to take? Ain't nobody got time fo dat -_- Yes bc ily <3 No niqqa. gtfo 6/11 Who is my favorite red head weirdo? ED SHEERAN EMILY ARIANA GRANDE 7/11 Favorite food? Your mom Tacos Pizza 8/11 Who is Dill Pickle? A think that grows in the ground? Idek Dillon 9/11 Favorite Rock Band? Your mom Linkin Park Black Veil Brides 10/11 Do I annoy y'all with the truth? (Illuminati?) No, ily<3 YES. I WANT TO HIT YOU IN THE HEAD WITH A BOOK SOMETIMES! (Me: COME AT ME BRUH MY CHAINSAW IS LACKING BLOOD!) Kinda :/ (Me: Oh #sorrynotsorry 11/11 Am I weird? YES OMG YES No, you're just retarded Kinda