JAILS IN AMERICA CORRECTIONAL OFFICER PRACTICE QUIZ kevinthdog published on June 09, 2010 Stacked 1/5 Who made up the clientele of the Hospice of Michele? Terminally ill inmates Women inmates training to be nuns Boys and young men Political criminals senile elderly inmates 2/5 The first so-called â??penitentiaryâ?? in America opened in Philadelphia in 1790; it was named the: (Find in CH-1) Maison de Force. . Newgate Prison House of Detention. Walnut Street Jail. Sing Sing Prison 3/5 3. Why did Pennsylvania become the source of many ideas of prison reform in the colonial and early national eras? (Find in CH-1) It had the highest crime rate. The major universities were located there It was probably due to Quaker influence. It had the most primitive prisons and jails The colony was founded by ex-convicts 4/5 Which of the following was intended to hold pre-trial inmates in England? (Find in CH-1) The gaol . The penitentiary The workhouse The house of correction . The borstal 5/5 Jeremy Benthamâ??s idea that human beings seek pleasure while avoiding pain is called the: (Find in CH-1) hedonistic calculus. expiation syndrome. operant conditioning logical positivism. sybaritic response.