Computer Basics (1) This is a pre-test to determine what students know about computer basics prior to learning about applications that will be used in the computer class. crolinger published on October 24, 2013 Stacked 1/20 An error that occurs during program execution, and causes the program to terminate abnormally or "crash" is called a Run-time Error Psuedocode Compile-time error Logical error 2/20 CPU stands for Central Processing Unit True False 3/20 What defines what will happen when a statement is executed? Compiler Interpreter Semantics Syntax 4/20 Allows the user to interact with the machine (i.e. to click on an icon, or delete a file) Type answer. Hint: 14 characters 5/20 What are reserved words? Define what will happen when a statement is executed Series of 1's and 0's Used to separate the words and symbols used in a program, consists of blanks, tabs, and newline characters Identifiers that have a special meaning in a programming language that can only be used in predefined ways 6/20 Constant stream of unbroken information Type answer. Hint: 6 characters 7/20 RAM stands for Readily Accessible Memory True False 8/20 A single binary digit, 0 or 1 Type answer. Hint: 3 characters 9/20 fetch-decode-execute Compiles code one line at a time an runs that line after it is compiled. Converts Java code into byte code that is run by the Java Virtual Machine A cycle, where an instruction is fetched from the main memory and put into instruction register. The program program counter increases to get ready for the n... An error that occurs during program execution, and causes the program to terminate abnormally or "crash" 10/20 What is a LAN? Local Architecture Network Local Apple Network Local Access Network Latam Airlines Group 11/20 Identifiers are various words used when writing programs True False 12/20 Main software of a computer Type answer. Hint: 16 characters 13/20 The source isn't the program's original code True False 14/20 A white space is a break in computer coding True False 15/20 How many levels of programming language are there? 2 3 4 5 16/20 What is a gigabyte? 1024 megabytes 1024 bytes 1024 kilobytes 8 Bits 17/20 A series of instructions that the hardware executes one after another. Type answer. Hint: 7 characters 18/20 What is hardware? Instructions that computers read and execute; programs Physical components of the computer Stores programs and data being used, usually volatile 8 Bits 19/20 What is digital? There are four levels of programming language: machine language, assembly language, high-level languages, and fourth-generation languages. Information broken into segments Series of 1's and 0's Allows the user to interact with the machine (i.e. to click on an icon, or delete a file) 20/20 What is a sampling rate? Number of digital measurements per second Constant stream of unbroke information A series of instructions that the hardware executes one after another. Number system with 10 digits (0 to 9)