Yu-Gi-Oh Ruling Exam

Yu-Gi-Oh Ruling Exam

DIRECTIONS PLEASE READ: Test your knowledge of the game with a mix of beginner, intermediate, and advanced questions. 16/20 passes. If I somehow made a mistake (I'm human too) please let me know. "Lampboy2" if you play on Dueling Network. Also, since this is a test of knowledge, please be honest and do not look up anything besides the card texts (the deck constructor works well if you're on the DN website). In most real judging scenarios, you wont get to use google.

published on September 26, 2013

Player B controls one set card and no monsters. Player A declares a direct attack on Player B. Player B activates their set "Call of the Haunted." What should happen?

The attack goes through, then "Call of the Haunted" brings a monster back from the grave.
Effects used to summon a monster cannot be used in the battle phase. The attack goes through.
A replay occurs after a monster is summoned. Player A can now choose to attack the new monster or not attack at
The summon of a monster negates the attack with no damage done to either side. Player A can no longer attack this
turn with that monster.

Player A controls a face up field spell with a face up "Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon" along with a face up "Skill Drain." Player A special summons another "Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from their hand. Is this a legal play?

Yes, the effect of "Skill Drain" turns "Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon" into a normal monster with no effect.
Yes, there is a field spell on the field that will prevent the new "Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from being destroyed.
No, the effect "There can only be 1 face-up "Malefic" monster on the field" is still active in the hand, stopping "Malefic
Blue-Eyes White Dragon" from bein...
No, "Skill Drain" does not negate the "There can only be 1 face-up "Malefic" monster on the field" part of the effect.

Can the effects of "Decoy Dragon" and "Maiden with Eyes of Blue" be activated if they were attacked while set?

Yes, when the cards flip up after the attack, the triggers will activate.
No, the triggers "When this card is selected as an attack target" and "When this card is targeted for an attack" can only
happen if the attack target is fac...
Yes, the effects are too good to waste just because they were set .
No, monsters who are set are treated as having no effects for the turn.

Player A uses "Gold Sarcophagus," banishing a card from their deck. Player A forgets to pick up the card after the two turns have passed and does not realize it until a few turns later. Which answer is the fairest solution? (Take into account how the solution could affect Player B).

Player A gets his card.
Player A does not get his card, it goes back into the deck. Play resumes.
Player A loses the game for not following the rules.
Player A does not get his card, it stays banished. Play resumes.

Player A controls 3 set cards that they set last turn. Player A flips them one by one, creating a chain that Player B refuses to stop. The cards in order are "Gift Card," "Gift Card," "Bad Reaction to Simochi." How should the chain resolve?

"Bad Reaction to Simochi" resolves first, dealing Player B with 3000 damage per resolving "Gift Card."
Player B gains 3000 points per "Gift Card" that resolves, "Bad Reaction to Simochi" then resolves and is active for future
It is not possible to start a chain with only your own cards.
It is not possible to chain traps to traps.

Each player controls a face up "Light and Darkness Dragon" with full attack points and a face up "Doomcaliber Knight". Player A activates "Dark Hole." All 4 monsters activate their effects. Which monster(s) will be left on the field after the chain resolves?

Player A "Light and Darkness Dragon" and Player B "Doomcaliber Knight."
Player A "Light and Darkness Dragon" and Player B "Light and Darkness Dragon."
Player A "Light and Darkness Dragon."

Player B has 4 pieces of Exodia in their hand with 1 card left in their deck and controls a face up "Appropriate." Player A activates "Upstart Goblin." What should happen?

Player B loses the game by deck out since they must draw another card but are unable to.
Player B loses the game for having a card effect activate that cannot properly resolve.
Player B wins the game because they now have all 5 pieces of exodia in their hand.
Player B cannot draw the 2 cards needed for the card effect, therefore the card effect does not activate.

Player A controls a face up "Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo" and a set "Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation." Player B controls a face up "Alexandrite Dragon" and a set "Book of Moon." Player A activates "Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation" and Player B chains "Book of Moon," targeting their "Alexandrite Dragon." What should happen?

Only "Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo" goes to the grave. "Alexandrite Dragon" is set by "Book of Moon" and is unaffected by
the effect of "Ninjitsu Art of Super-Tr...
Both "Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo" and the now set "Alexandrite Dragon" go to the grave. Player A can special summon
an appropriate level 4 monster.
Neither "Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo" or the now set "Alexandrite Dragon" go to the grave, since "Book of Moon" made
"Ninjitsu Art of Super-Transformation" unab...
Both "Ninja Grandmaster Hanzo" and the now set "Alexandrite Dragon" go to the grave. Player A can special summon
an appropriate level 8 monster.

If "Treeborn Frog" is tributed by the effect of "Enemy Controller" during the standby phase, can it use its effect to come back from the grave?

Yes, if you don't control a spell/trap card or another "Treeborn Frog."
Yes, but only if you have a spell/trap card on the field.
No, after "Enemy Controller" resolves the turn moves straight into the main phase.
No, the timing is missed since the effect of "Treeborn Frog" must be the first thing done in the standby phase.

Player B controls a face up "Skill Drain" on the field. Player A summons "Rescue Rabbit." Can Player A use the effect of "Rescue Rabbit" to summon 2 monsters from his/her deck?

No, "Skill Drain" eliminates all effects from monsters as soon as they are summoned, turning them into normal monsters.
Yes, "Skill Drain" only works on monsters who were on the field the turn it was activated.
Yes, "Skill Drain" does not stop effects from being activated, and since "Rescue Rabbit" will not be on the field when it
resolves, it will be unaffected by...
No, "Rescue Rabbit" cannot use it's effect the turn it is summoned, and "Skill Drain" will stop it from being able to use
its effect the next turn.

Player B controls a "Number 39 Utopia" in attack mode with no XYZ material on it. Player A controls a face up "Junk Synchron" and attacks "Number 39 Utopia." What should happen?

"Junk Synchron" is destroyed for having a lower attack than "Number 39 Utopia." Player A takes 1200 damage.
"Number 39 Utopia" is destroyed by its own effect, causing a replay and allowing "Junk Synchron" to attack again.
"Number 39 Utopia" is destroyed by its own effect, no damage is taken by either side. "Junk Synchron" can no longer
attack this turn.
"Number 39 Utopia" is destroyed by its own effect, but "Junk Synchron" is also destroyed for having a lower attack.
Player A takes 1200 damage.

During the standby phase of of Player A, Player B activates two set copies of "Thunder of Ruler." During their main phase, Player A activates two set copies of "Frozen Soul." How many battle phases are skipped in total?


Player A controls a set "Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo" and a "Caius the Shadow Monarch" that was special summoned to the field and then set by "Book of Moon" earlier in the game. Player B controls two set "Naturia Cherries" that were special summoned by the effect of a third earlier in the game. Player A flip summons "Caius the Shadow Monarch" then flip summons "Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo." Which monster(s) will be destroyed by the effect of "Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo?"

"Caius the Shadow Monarch" and the two set "Naturia Cherries."
"Caius the Shadow Monarch," the two set "Naturia Cherries," and "Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo."
"Caius the Shadow Monarch."
The two set "Naturia Cherries."

Which of the following is NOT a true example of PSCT (Problem Solving Card Text)?

"Remove from play" ----> "Banish."
"This card can only be" ----> "Must first be."
Monsters with built-in special summons other than synchro and xyz are now denoted with parentheses "()" saying the
location they can be summoned from.
"Remove from the field" ----> "Banish."

Player A controls a face up "Red Dragon Archfiend." Player B controls a face up "Stardust Dragon" along with a set "Doomcaliber Knight" and two other set monsters. Player A attacks the set "Doomcaliber Knight" with "Red Dragon Archfiend" destroying it by battle. What should happen?

The effect of "Red Dragon Archfiend" will now activate. "Stardust Dragon" can be chained to negate the effect,
destroying "Red Dragon Archfiend."
The effect of "Doomcaliber Knight" will activate and negate the effect of "Red Dragon Archfiend."
The effect of "Red Dragon Archfiend" will now activate. "Stardust Dragon" cannot chain to it because it is in the
damage step. The set monsters are destroyed.
"Red Dragon Archfiend" will not activate because its effect does not work on set monsters. Nothing else happens.

Player A controls a face up "Lightpulsar Dragon" and has a "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" in the graveyard. Player A tributes "Lightpulsar Dragon" to summon another monster from their hand. Can player A use the effect of "Lightpulsar Dragon" to bring back "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon?"

Yes, the condition of going to the grave has been met.
No, the timing is missed because the player is in the middle of a summon.
Yes, and "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" will be summoned by the effect of "Lightpulsar Dragon" before the new
monster is summoned from hand.
No, "Lightpulsar Dragon" can only use its effect on the turn of Player B.

Player A attacks with a monster. Player B activates "Mirror Force." Player A chains "Dust Tornado" to "Mirror Force." What should happen?

"Dust Tornado" destroys "Mirror Force" and sends the card to the grave. Since "Mirror Force" is no longer on the field,
the attack goes through.
"Dust Tornado" destroys "Mirror Force" and sends the card to the grave, but "Mirror Force" still resolves and destroys the
attacking monster.
"Mirror Force" resolves and destroys the attacking monster. "Dust Tornado" then has nothing to chain to and
goes to the grave without resolving.
"Dust Tornado" cannot be used in the battle phase.

Player A special summons a "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" from their hand by banishing a dragon they normal summoned that turn. Seeing the special summon, Player B activates "Maxx C" from their hand. What should happen?

"Maxx C" is chained to the special summon of "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon," allowing Player B to draw their card.
"Maxx C" is returned to the hand of Player B. "Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon" cannot be summoned the turn
another dragon is played.
Because a monster was already summoned that turn, "Maxx C" cannot be activated at all
and remains in the hand of Player B.
The effect of "Maxx C" is now applied to all additional special summons during that turn. Player B does not get a card
for the special summon of "Red-Eyes D...

Player A controls a face up "Number C39 Utopia Ray Victory" with a "Number 39 Utopia" as XYZ material. Player B controls a face up "Tragoedia" with 3000 atk. Player A attacks "Tragoedia" with "Number C39 Utopia Ray Victory" and activates its effect. What are the new attacks of both monsters after the effect resolves?

"Tragoedia": 3000
"Number C39 Utopia Ray Victory": 2800
"Tragoedia": 0
"Number C39 Utopia Ray Victory": 2800
"Tragoedia": 3000
"Number C39 Utopia Ray Victory": 5800
"Tragoedia": 0
"Number C39 Utopia Ray Victory": 5800

Can cards like "Rush Recklessly" and "Castle Walls" be used in the "during damage calculation" substep of the damage step?

Yes, any card that boosts atk/def may be used during that substep.
Yes, they are spell speed 2 and therefore may be used during that substep.
No, only cards that say "during damage calculation" may be activated during that substep.
No, because changing your atk/def during the battle phase and not before is unsportsmanlike and mean.