Do you know me well? (1) Guess the answers right get them all right ill follow you and get you lots of followers in 2 days Forbidden__Love published on September 21, 2013 Stacked 1/10 What movie makes me cry? Titanic Titanic 2 High School Musical 2/10 Whats my Favorite Desserts Pecan Pie Pumpkin Pie All of the Above 3/10 Who's my Favorite Rapper 2Chains Nicki Minaj Lil'wayne 4/10 Who's my back in the day favorite celeberity Bill Crosby George Bush Marilyn Monroe 5/10 Which instrument do i want to play when in High School? Electric Guitar Wooden Guitar Violin 6/10 Whats my Favorite movie? Titanic Foot Loose Pitch Perfect 7/10 Who do i hate? Justin Bieber Justin Timberlake None of the above 8/10 What Color am i into? Black Purple Pink 9/10 What Flower do i like? Chrysanthemum Lavender Rose 10/10 Which ride one do i like best Carowinds Scarowinds