How well Do you know CAMPING?

How well Do you know CAMPING?

Are You an excellent camper or a bad camper? Do You camp in style or do it old school? How do you set up your fire? All of this will be awnsered in this quiz. Made by Ella and Becca aka reba1108. Follow herrr!

published on September 21, 2013

What do you do at night while camping?

Hint: 5 choices
Campfire of course!
Card games and trivia!
play electronics! DUH
Night Walks!
Watch my indoor TV built in to my camper!
Nothing u need to know....
Stories and scary stories!

What is somthing ideal you should do in the day time while camping?


What is your ideal place to bike to?

The camp store!
The beach!
The park!
The Water!
The Creek!

How do you cook your food while camping?

I use my microwave and stove in my camper!
I roast my hot dogs over a fire!
I use a portable burner!
My parents just order some pizza to the campsite! Yeah.. Thats how we roll!

How do you set up your tent? At the end you will see the best way:)

How do you set up your tent? At the end you will see the best way:)
I set it up by laying out a tarp first on the grass, then putting up the poles and nailing it into the ground.
I sleep in a camper. BAM WHAT! (from liv and maddie)
I leave my parents to do the work!
First I Lie out a tarp, and then, well, all i need is blankets and a pillow!