Are you like me quiz! Take this quiz to find out if your like me or not. But theres only one me... good try!!! YOLO heardabout.isis published on September 11, 2013 Stacked 1/12 Favorite t.v show on cartoon network(if you don't have the needed level of words type in random letters)? Type answer. Hint: 12 characters 2/12 Are you a tomboy or girly girl Tomboy Girly-girl Idk Both 3/12 Do you like the Cleavland show? Yes No What's that Cleavland has his own show!!! Not allowed to watch that... 4/12 Which to do you like the most from mindless behavior? Hint: 2 choices ray-ray prodigy roc royal Princeton Who are they I don't like them Can't choose Idk 5/12 Which to do you like the most from one direction? Hint: 2 choices Harry Liam Zayn Louis Niall Idk I don't like them Can't choose Who are they 6/12 What color is your hair? brown black blonde red white mixed colors orange 7/12 Will you comment? No Yes Idk 8/12 Which to do you like the most from big time rush? Hint: 2 choices Kendall Schmidt James Maslow Carlos Pena, Jr. Logan Henderson No they should have stuck to their t.v show I don't like them Idk Can't choose Who are they 9/12 What's your favorite color Neon Dark colors Hue color's RAINBOW 10/12 What color are your eyes? Brown Black Red Green Other 11/12 Do you act different around different people Yea now that I think about it No same old me Yes Just one person knows me differently 12/12 Which band do you like more? Big time rush Mindless Behavior One direction Can't choose I don't like any of them