Do You Know Most Music well its really about if you know music well most music there will be hints and I really hope you all enjoy this lil thing of mines LiL.Looking published on October 04, 2013 Stacked 1/8 Im Waking up to ash and dust I whip my brow and I sweat my rust Im breathing in the chemicals Radioactive New Age Listen to your heart 2/8 kiss me hard before you go Summertime sadness crazy umm... 3/8 There a whole lot of things that I will forgive but I just cant take a liar!! Type answer. Hint: 10 characters 4/8 Lost and Insercure you found me you found me lying on the floor Hint: 2 choices You Found Me By The Fray Same Love ??? I dont know I found god on the corner of first and Amistad 5/8 But you make me wanna act like a girlPaint my nails and wear high heels Yes you, make me so nervous that I just can't hold your hand Hint: 2 choices demi lovato shay shakria Heart attack 6/8 Some days I feel like I am wonrg when I am right Your mind is playing tricks on you my dear Little talks Ring my bells Twice 7/8 Well my heart knows me better than I know myselfso imma let it do all the talking Hint: 2 choices love once lost Lost Black horse and Cherry tree Kt Tunstall 8/8 This is how I show my Love I made it in my mind Because SAIL HOPEFULLY MAYBE I SHOULD CRY FOR HELP