Dates in Ancient History important dates in history to know and remember for the rest of your life. noams23 published on June 13, 2011 Stacked 1/16 when was rome founded by romulous 734 BCE 753 BCE 2/16 When was ceaser killed March 3rd 44 BCE March 15th 45 BCE March 15th 44 BCE 3/16 When was pax romona 27 BCE- 130 CE 31 BCE-180 CE 34 BCE- 150 CE 4/16 When did the Zealots rebel against Rome? 60-77 BCE 66-70 BCE 46-71 BCE 5/16 When were the Jews kicked out of Jerusalem? 123 CE 132 CE 231 CE 6/16 When did Constantine move the capitol to Byzantium? 330 CE 430 CE 300 Ce 7/16 When was the fall of the Roman Empire 476 BCE 476 CE 467 CE 8/16 Mohammad’s Hirjah to Medina/Yathrib 632 622 620 9/16 Mohammad’s return to Mecca/Makkah 630 642 632 10/16 Charles Martel defeats the Muslims at the Battle of Tours 732 767 754 11/16 Rule of Charlemagne 768-816 786-814 768-814 12/16 Viking invasions 700-900 800-1000 900-1100 13/16 Feudalism begins in France 900 1000 800 14/16 William the Conqueror defeats Harold Godwinson 1077 1066 1067 15/16 Crusades to the Holy Land 1087-1250 1000-1200 1096-1270 16/16 Magna Carta 1215 1217 1715