Twilight quiz (sorry ran out of ideas) This is a quiz on twilight. it will change your knowledge from the book and the books only. It might not be very hard though JKRowling published on August 24, 2013 Stacked 1/12 What color is Bella's prom dress red black green blue white 2/12 What instrument does Edward play guitar flute piano drums 3/12 Who does Alice like Edward Jasper Emmit 4/12 what are four of the first members of the pack Sam, Leah, Jacob, and Quinn Edward, Bella, Sam, and Jacob Sam, Jacob, Quinn, and Seth 5/12 What age did Bella tell the guy to put on her childs passport 4 5 6 7 6/12 Who was Bella's first three friends? Jessica, Angela, and Mark Jessica, Mark, and Lucas Angela, Mark, and Edward 7/12 what did Jacob give her as a graduation present a charm a kiss a dance a promise 8/12 What was she going to call her baby if it was a boy? EJ CJ Edwin Charlie 9/12 When did Bella first meet Jacob at school at a party on the beach when they were younger 10/12 What color is Bella's truck her dad gets her red green black 11/12 Where does Edward leave Bella her house his house in the woods school 12/12 What did you think of twilight. (btw: this is my perspective and I like Harry Potter) best series ever better than ok- ok not good