mlp quiz c'mon y'all d this quiz and smile while doing it. please be pretty or handsome too. meabrownie published on August 08, 2013 Stacked 1/6 what are all the elements of harmony honesty,jolly,kindness,generosity,loyalty,magic honesty,laughter,kindness,generosity,loyalty,magic silliness,jolly,truthfulness,magic,shyness,loyalty 2/6 `who are the four princess Hint: 4 choices celestia twilight luna nightmare moon cadence apple jack rainbow dash derpy hooves 3/6 what type of animal is Discord draconeqques pony dragon dreconices 4/6 who is scootaloos big sister rainbow dash derpy hooves fluttershy 5/6 what is the name of the last episode friendship magical mystery cure a true true friend 6/6 who is twilights big brother prince blueblood shining armor big macintosh