how much do you know about minecraft (1) do you like minecraft well if you do this is the perfect quiz for you. DO NOT CHEAT!!! sky8768 published on August 06, 2013 Stacked 1/10 on what divice can you tern your dogs (wolf's) coller blue xbox computer playstation 3 tablet 2/10 what do you need to use to tame a ocelot steak raw porkchop fish bucket of milk bone's 3/10 what color is dimond turquoise red green blue 4/10 what do you use to turn a dog's (wolf's) coller blue dimond red stone lapis lazuli bucket of water 5/10 whats the minamum amout of obsidian blocks to creat a portle 14 10 8 12 6/10 what can you use to breed a dog (wolf) Hint: 3 choices porkchop milk water steak rotten flesh 7/10 what can you use to breed chickens Hint: 4 choices wheat seeds pumpkin seeds bucket of water melon seeds saplings melon or nether wart. 8/10 what do ghasts throw arrows swords fire balls pumpkin 9/10 whats the name of the character in the picture Type answer. Hint: 9 characters 10/10 how much logs of wood do you need to create a full set of tools 15 4 11 3