ANNAS AWESOME CRAZY QUIZ!!! In this quiz you are going to be stumbling across friend questions and lots more hope you enjoy!!! awesomeanna123 published on July 30, 2013 Stacked 1/7 why am i your awesome bff Hint: 2 choices cause i said be my friend or die because i was nice to you because i thought you were cool because you wanted another lame " friend " because we started to talk to eachother and like eachother and be who we are today! 2/7 what did you invite me to when we were in jk Hint: 2 choices slumber party pool party dance party birthday party 3/7 whats my style Hint: 2 choices trendy casual hobo-ish horrible 4/7 whats my style of life Hint: 2 choices go with the flow casual awesome crazy awful 5/7 what is my fave food Hint: 2 choices pasta ham omlettes tacos steak 6/7 what is my fave passion Hint: 2 choices volleyball basketball swimming rugby 7/7 what is my fave colour green aqua blue pink purple brown