Do you know Ross Lynch? This quiz measures how much you know Ross Lynch. R U a mega fan of Ross Lynch. brady16 published on July 27, 2013 Stacked 1/5 Who are Ross Lynch's siblings? Hint: 4 choices Rocky Rachel Ryland Rydel Roy Riker 2/5 What is the correct birth order for Ross Lynch and his siblings Rocky, Rydel, Riker, Ross, Ryland Riker, Rydel, Rocky, Ryland, Ross Riker, Ryland, Ross, Rocky, Rydel Riker, Rydel, Ryland, Ross, Rocky Riker, Rydel, Rocky, Ross, Ryland 3/5 What is his middle name? Type answer. Hint: 4 characters 4/5 Which songs does he sing? Hint: 4 choices Heartbeat Diamonds Illusion Hot 'n' Cold Party Rock Anthem Can You Feel It Christmas Soul 5/5 What is his favorite color? Blue Green Purple Yellow