Lias quiz Jamie,im pretty sure youll get most of these right because we know everything about eachother!!!! so start my quiz! kookierunn published on July 21, 2013 Stacked 1/10 What are my cats names? Sam, smelly poop ,mittens Gray Ray,Sam,Snicker Paws, Feet, Hands 2/10 What are my two favorite colors? pink and white black and blue neon blue and white 3/10 What is my moms maiden name? Fatbutt Falvey Alicio 4/10 What sport am I recently doing? cheer soccer dance 5/10 What is my favorite animal? Turducken Cat Dog 6/10 What do I love to play on wii sports? golf baseball boxing 7/10 What street do I live on? Lynda Scotchdam Central Center 8/10 Who do I idol? Selena Gomez TaliaJoy18 Kate Winslet Leo Dicap 9/10 And last but not least, who is my bffl? you Morgan Belle 10/10 What kind of cake did we have at the party? Red Velvet Vanilla Cow Butter