home much do you know about HOMESTUCK :33 D0 Y0U L0V3 H0MESTUCK??? I L0V3 H0MESTUCK 4ND TH4T I5 TH3 3%ACT R34S0N 1 M4D3 TH1S C0MPL3ATLY US3L355 QU1Z TH1NG P4G3. JEGUS! domosmoustache published on July 19, 2013 Stacked 1/5 what color is carcats text Hint: 2 choices red blue black white grey how should you know you spelled "karkat" wrong. 2/5 why does Terezi Pyrope (and other trolls) say JEGUS (rather than jesus) Hint: 2 choices because of a typo. because their god is called jegus. because Terezi Pyrope cant pronounce jesus. because of dave. 3/5 act 1 of homestuck started on; Hint: 2 choices john's 13 birthday yesterday john's 12 birthday the day john's sburb arrived 4/5 what happens at the end of each homestuck act? Hint: 2 choices colors flash dave waves a few curtains close an act ends? 5/5 which troll types like this;uHHHH,i DONT KNOW, gamzee makara taveros nitram sollux captor