The Dumb Quiz Are You Dumb Take this quiz to find out if YOOOOOOOU are so dumb that you died so ya and ya idellaiskool published on May 26, 2011 Stacked 1/6 What is 1+1 2 Window 1234234234 23 11 2/6 How many 2 cent stamps are there in a dozen none 2424tert34 12 123142342342342 infinity 2 3/6 Tom had 40 cats. He had 7 dogs. What does he have now 47 pets a cow a lot of puppies a lot of kittens asfwererwetw A lot of cleaning a russian dancer a cookie all of the above 4/6 WHSY SNDFI ERIIEÙÉ Hint: 2 choices EOPÙÉE0RG^DÈS;É.DSQ DFGS DANCE GRAET DANCE 5/6 How many spots are there on a 12-spot cow Hint: 2 choices 12 24234 1423534534 12.0 6/6 Which numbers are the same as 5 cents Hint: 2 choices .05 23-48909481e3-485394865-094358-3945 poisinus gas $.05 cat wer4543452346