how much do you know Rainbow Dash! alright Rainbow Dash fans, it's time to see how much you know about Rainbow Dash! superderpy10 published on July 05, 2013 Stacked 1/6 What Element of Harmony does Rainbow Dash represent? Laughter Magic Honesty Loyalty Kindness Generosity 2/6 what does Rainbow Dash's cutie mark look like? 3 diamonds a cloud with a rainbow thunder bolt coming out of it balloons 3/6 what is Rainbow Dash's coat colored Pink yellow blue 4/6 where did Rainbow Dash live when she was a filly? Manehatten Cloadsdale Canterlot 5/6 what kind of species is Rainbow Dash? Alicorn Earth pony Pegasus Unicorn 6/6 what is Rainbow Dash's pet named? Type answer. Hint: 4 characters