Do you know mount vesuvius well? do you think you know a lot about mount vesuvius? well this quiz will tell test all you information. susierandallx published on July 04, 2013 Stacked 1/10 List the specific causes of deaths initiated by Vesuvius, in chronological order. 1. lava missles 2. shower of lapilli 3. gas 1. ash 2.lava 3.burial 1. lava 2.smoke 3.burial 2/10 Nearly how many people visited Pompeii last year? 1 million 2 billion 3 billion 3/10 Was there any eyewitness to the eruption Mount Vesuvius? yes no hard to say 4/10 What do these 3 mountains have in common - Mount Etna Sicily... Mount St. Helens... and Mount Vesuvius? Hint: 2 choices they have all erupted in the last 100 years They're all part of the ring of fire they are all considered dangerous 5/10 What is the landscape of mount Vesuvius like? rocky and rugged smooth 6/10 What is the nearest major city to Mount Vesuvius? Herculaneum stabiae naples 7/10 Pompeii was taken over by who in 80 bc? rome sicily florence 8/10 How tall is Mt Vesuvius? 6000 ft 4189 ft 3721 ft 9/10 how many brothels did pompeii have? 28 42 16 10/10 Pompeii was enbalmed by how many feet of what? 14 ft of pumice and ash 23 ft of pumice and ash 40 ft of pumice and ash