How Well Do You Know Me? :3 here's a quiz I just made for fun.. I hope you enjoy.. it took me a while XD Mary_chan published on July 01, 2013 Stacked 1/10 How many bff's do I have? 6 4 9 100 1 2 2/10 What color are my eyes? ;} hazel brown blue blueish grey 3/10 Which place was I born? Japan Korea America china 4/10 How old do you think I currently am? :) 12 19 14 23 10 5/10 am I emo? no way! yes everyone I know says I am so I guess so *sighs* :I 6/10 who is my favorite creepypasta character? masky hoodie slender man jeff the killer ben drowned eyeless jack 7/10 Am I a total anime freak? Type answer. Hint: 3 characters 8/10 What is my favorite color? green blue red black purple pink 9/10 What color is my hair? black red brown blonde dirty blonde 10/10 Which band do I like the most? skillet one direction breaking benjamin black veil brides